
Memorable out-of-office gatherings that ignite creativity, passion and productivity.

Complete our Interest Form to start the conversation.

Why Retreat?

Retreats provide a unique opportunity for teams to do great work together while growing, developing, learning, and having fun.  Executed well, retreats:


Team retreats provide a transformative experience that ensures your employees feel valued and return to the workplace with renewed vitality and purpose.

Why Team Retreatz?

The best team retreats balance what needs to get done—the work—with how the team works together through culture-building activities. In support of this premise, we promote:

A collaborative

We work with our clients to create solutions that meet their specific needs and reflect the unique systems and culture in which they operate.

A balanced

We craft an agenda that balances meaningful work, teambuilding exercises and activities, learning and development opportunities, rest and relaxation, and social time.


We work with our clients in every step of retreat planning and execution, including agenda development, attendance recommendations, expectation setting, meeting facilitation, and event follow-up.


We help our clients choose an event space that promises to surprise and delight.


We ensure our clients emerge from their retreat with clear deliverables, milestones, completion dates and assignment accountability.

Build Your Agenda

Team Retreatz balances meaningful work, team building, presenter-led workshops, R&R, and after-hours activities: 

Click on an image to reveal a description and alphabetized options list.


Just because you’re away from the office, doesn’t mean you can’t get some serious work done. Popular business topics include:


Use your company retreat as an opportunity to bond and build closer relationships with your team.  Popular activities include:


Your company retreat is the perfect time to learn new skills. Popular presenter-led training and development topics include:


Find the right retreat balance by providing opportunities to rest and recharge. Popular activities include:

after hours


Explore the area, let your hair down a little, and underscore what an amazing, shared experience you’re having. Activities include:
Our retreat agendas encourage five basic principles:
  • Less is more – while the temptation is to clutter the day with “stuff,” it’s better to spend more time and take a deeper dive into fewer fundamental topics to get the most out of your time together
  • Try something new – every effort is made to get outside of your comfort zone. New and unique experiences promote meaningful moments that have a powerful and lasting impact on organizational culture and performance
  • Get outside – studies show that spending time in nature boosts well-being and productivity. Break a sweat, blow off steam, and get your daily dose of vitamin D to boot
  • Game on – when you make a task a competition, people achieve more. Instill team spirit by encouraging challenges and contests
  • Plan to unplug – the best way for your team to recharge is to unplug. Consider making your retreat a digital detox

Find a Venue

Whether you’re aiming for outdoorsy adventures or a pampered experience, location is key to an epic retreat. Here are some of our “California Collection” faves:

Indian Wells

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Palm Desert

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Laguna Beach

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Santa Monica

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Newport Beach

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San Diego

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Santa Barbara

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Half Moon Bay

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Lake Tahoe

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San Francisco

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Click on an image to visit the recommended hotel’s external website.

Extraordinary settings help foster teamwork in a fun, relaxing environment while increasing camaraderie and productivity. Focusing on not just what needs to be achieved in your company, but rather on the value of the people who help achieve those goals, ensures your investment has a powerful and lasting impact.

About Ian

Ian’s journey to Team Retreatz began in the late 1990s when he spent seven years running a 650-employee company that provided youth sports programming to a variety of professional sports organizations including Major League Soccer, the NFL and Jack Nickalus’ Golden Bear International.

After getting married in 2006, he traded the grind of 100,000+ flight miles a year for the short commute to a private Bay Area University, where he led several capital fundraising campaigns and saw the institution through its transition to NCAA Division II.

In 2009, seeking to break free from the constraints of academic bureaucracy, he launched a business development practice to pursue his true passion and purpose: helping business leaders plan more strategically, grow more reliably, and maximize the talent within their companies. His first business book, “Replacing the Rainmaker,” published in 2015, was an homage to six years spent in the trenches with an amazing collection of business visionaries.

Today, fusing three decades of executive and entrepreneurial experience, Ian helps entrepreneurs get more from every aspect of their businesses by facilitating memorable out-of-office gatherings that ignite creativity, passion and productivity, and coaching individuals to re-tool their career and live their best lives.

Ian holds an MBA in strategic leadership from Dominican University of California, and a bachelor’s degree in sports science from the University of Northumbria. His passions include exercise, golf, family, and travel. A native of England, he lives in Palm Desert, California, with his wife and teenage daughter.


Ian Tonks, MBA
74425 Zeppelin Drive
Palm Desert, CA 92211

Work: (415) 801-2661
Cell: (415) 847-2212

Want to know more about other Ian Tonks  Companies?  Click here.

Interest Form

Please complete and submit our interest form to request a complimentary consultation:


Just because you’re away from the office, doesn’t mean you can’t get some serious work done. Popular business topics include:


Use your company retreat as an opportunity to bond and build closer relationships with your team. Popular activities include:


Your company retreat is the perfect time to learn new skills. Popular presenter-led training and development topics include:


Find the right retreat balance by providing opportunities to rest and recharge. Popular activities include:
after hours


Explore the area, let your hair down a little, and underscore what an amazing, shared experience you’re having. Activities include:

Life Coaching

To achieve things that give our life meaning, we need to find ways to stay energized, get stuff done and keep moving forward. In the Life Coaching track, you’ll feel energized, inspired and supported to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. You’ll learn to effectively plan your week and create supportive daily habits to help you take stock of where you are, get “unstuck”, and bring lightness to big and overwhelming tasks.

Session topics include:

  • Spark team
  • Love and loathe list
  • Weekly success planning
  • Daily success habits
  • Take stock and act
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Unstick yourself
  • Eat your elephant

Limited time offer

Spring Clean Your Life


To “spring clean” your life, you need to understand how and where your life is draining you.  For many, that feeling of being overwhelmed comes from too many tasks, too many commitments, and being surrounded by people who don’t support or inspire you.  In this limited time Spring Clean Your Life offering, you’ll establish a clear 90-day plan for living your life “on purpose.”

Session topics include:

  • The wheel of life
  • Take stock and act
  • Energy zappers
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Detox toxic relationships
  • Three-month vision
  • Letting go
  • Daily success habits

Contact me to schedule a free 15-minute call to identify your needs and determine if we are a fit.


Most people come to coaching with specific goals in mind.  But to be truly happy, we need to do more than simply achieve our goals.  We need to know who we are and be congruent with that sense of self, aligning our values with our actions and decisions.  In the Self-Discovery track, you’ll get to know yourself better and learn to express yourself more authentically in the world, aligning your values, priorities and actions with who you really are.

Session topics include:

  • My heart sings
  • Who am I?
  • Role model confidence boosters
  • Personal values
  • Daily gratitude diary
  • Intuition and dream symbols
  • Draw out the gremlin